

Department of Education Awards SFSC $5 Million STEM Grant

21 Oct, 2016 | News | 0 Comments | Return|

October 21, 2016 - South Florida State College has been awarded a nearly $5 million, five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to launch a postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) project called “Re-Engineering Our Future.“该项目将为德索托6686体育集团官网区的西班牙裔和低收入学生创造教育机会, Hardee, and Highlands counties.


“SFSC is thrilled and honored to have been awarded this grant,” said Dr. Thomas C. Leitzel, SFSC president. “为了我们服务区的经济健康发展,我们必须让我们的学生为一个日益高科技的世界做好准备. STEM教育至关重要,因为新兴的工作需要这些学科的专业知识.  这笔拨款使我们能够加强在提供劳动力技能方面的努力,这对于吸引先进制造业在三县地区落户至关重要.”


For this project, the college will focus on four major activities. 他们将开发一个高科技学位途径,并转移到南佛罗里达大学和佛罗里达理工大学, 改善大学预科服务,让低收入西班牙裔学生更好地为这些项目做好准备, 改善大学的学术支持和学生服务,更好地支持低收入的西班牙裔大学生, 并创造一种更具文化敏感性的校园文化,以提高学生的参与度和在大学的成功.


该基金将用于资助SFSC创建新的工程技术学位课程, mechatronics, and biomedical science. Mechatronics is a combination of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer control, and information technology that come together in the design of “smart” products, such as robots or sensor-driven windshield wipers. 这些高科技学位途径将使学生更容易直接转入南佛罗里达大学的生物医学科学学位课程和佛罗里达理工大学的几个工程专业之一. In fact, SFSC将是第一个与佛罗里达理工大学建立这种衔接协议的学院.


SFSC’s engineering technology, mechatronics, and biomedical science programs are scheduled to begin in August 2017.


Through the grant, $1 million’s worth of new, 最先进的技术将支持这些项目,并加强哈迪和德索托校区的实验科学课程.  包括一系列机电一体化和工程特定的实验室设备. The biomedical science program will make use of a negative 80 degrees freezer, phase contrast microscope, fluorescent microscope, illuminometer, and nuclear magnetic resonant spectrometer.


The college will send two instructors to Berlin, Germany, for Level One and Level Two Siemens mechatronics training and certification. 西门子以在机电一体化领域提供黄金标准的培训而闻名. 


“这项资助将加强为修读STEM学位的学生提供的学术及支援服务。. Timothy Wise, dean of Student Services, and project director for the STEM grant.  “它将提供资源,聘请专家,他们将提供支持,帮助学生, such as academic advisors, recruiters, tutors, coaches. Because SFSC is considered a Hispanic-serving institution, the grant will allow us to reach out to students and their families.” In fact, SFSC’s student population is 30.6 percent Hispanic.


这些资源将扩大SFSC为西班牙裔学生提供的校园服务和支持. For instance, 学院将制作西班牙语版本的主要学生服务材料,重点是毕业和转学. 该学院将通过员工专业发展课程创造一个更具文化敏感性的机构环境.


因为数学是学生为STEM专业做准备的坚实基础, 一个名为MathSteps的暑期项目将面向刚毕业的高中学生, first-year-in-college students, and dually enrolled students. 它将为学生准备大学水平的数学和微积分预科, if needed.  


其他学生支持将扩大学院哈迪和高地校区的辅导机会. 学生将能够参加与佛罗里达海湾大学联合开发的住宿项目,这样SFSC的学生可以更多地了解工程专业的学生所做的事情. So families of students can learn more about the first year of college, SFSC将创建一个西班牙语版本的新生介绍,并专门为潜在学生的家长制定一个介绍.


SFSC will employ an early alert program so instructors, coaches, 或者支持人员可以更好地识别遇到学业或个人障碍的学生. 通过这个项目,他们可以给学生鼓励,帮助他们回到正轨.


从SFSC毕业并遇到大学过渡挑战的学生将能够依靠Inside Track教练的支持. This nationally recognized, 远程辅导服务帮助学生通过学术经验导航. For example, Inside Track coaching can guide them through the financial aid process, course mapping, or tutoring.


To sustain the momentum of the “Re-Engineering Our Future” project, SFSC will kick start a $250,000 endowment to go hand in hand with the SFSC Foundation’s Partnership Project. 捐赠基金的捐款将一对一匹配,用于支持正在进行的项目和为西班牙裔和低收入学生提供的学生奖学金.


“再造我们的未来”项目是教育和经济发展如何相辅相成的完美例子,” Dr. Leitzel said.

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