

小型企业网络研讨会 & 研讨会

2020年7月10日 | 新闻, 灾难的资源 | 0评论 | 返回|

2020年7月14日星期二下午1:00.M. – 2:00 P.M., 政府仍在购买(网络研讨会)

This webinar will discuss ways to pivot your business to sell to the 政府ernment. 学习如何快速入门, what websites you need to use and how to find who in the 政府ernment needs the product or service you provide. 免费参加. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Emineo Media, Florida SBDC at FIU in association with Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center.


2020年7月14日星期二下午1:00.M. – 2:30 P.M., Train the Trainer Empowerment Workshop Webinar 1

Join a Train the Trainers webinar and learn to teach the Empowerment Workshop in your community. This 1-hour webinar trains trainers to teach the Empowerment Workshop curriculum, a business training program about entrepreneurship and small business management for Native entrepreneurs or business owners. 免费参加. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the SBA Office of Native American Affairs and Sister Sky Inc.


2020年7月14日,星期二,下午6:00.M. – 7:30 P.M., Making Money in Real Estate – Flipping, Rentals, and More

After watching so many real estate investment programs on TV, you are probably wondering if you have what it takes to be a real estate investor. Come and learn step by step what you need to know before buying a property. 入场费15美元. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Broward SCORE Chapter.


2020年7月15日星期三下午5点.M. – 6:30 P.M., 有效的员工选择,面试 & 招聘

你的员工可以成就你,也可以毁掉你. 你是否有1, 10, 20, or more this workshop will develop the skills that you can use immediately to select & 雇佣合适的人. 入场费15美元. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Broward SCORE Chapter.


2020年7月15日,星期三,下午6:00.M. – 8:00 P.M., How to Grow Your Business with Digital Marketing

What’s the ROI of your digital marketing dollars? 在这个研讨会上, you’ll learn the strategies that will help your business grow and scale by utilizing integrated marketing strategies that focus on maximizing marketing results and optimizing your 返回 on Investment. 免费参加. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Broward SCORE Chapter.


2020年7月15日星期三上午10:00.M. – 11:00 A.M., 飓风防范网络研讨会(西班牙语)

Empresarios ya que estamos entrando en la temporada de los huracanes, los invitamos a unirse a nosotros en esta fecha, “我是一个很好的联合国研讨会”. Prepárese para los huracánes, antes, durante y después. Vamos a cubrir los servicios que la SBA proporciona para su negocio. 点击 在这里 参加这个免费的活动. The workshop will be conducted by Alyn Fernandez of the U.S. 小企业管理局.


2020年7月16日星期四上午10:00.M. – 11:00 A.M., 飓风防范网络研讨会(中文)

We invite you to join us in our upcoming seminar. Be prepared for hurricane - before, during and after. We're going to cover services that the SBA can provide for your business in an event of a disaster. 点击 在这里 参加这个免费的活动. The workshop will be conducted by Juawana Colbert of the U.S. 小企业管理局.


2020年7月16日星期四下午12:00.M. – 1:00 P.M., 接近,生存或繁荣? 六部分网络研讨会[循环]

评估你目前的财务状况, 分析你的业务状况, and communicate your plan to staff and customers. 由艾琳·布坎南,SWFL评分. 免费参加. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Southwest Florida SCORE Chapter.


2020年7月16日星期四下午1:00.M. – 2:00 P.M., 撰写一份成功的政府建议书(网络研讨会)

If you’re a small business owner embarking on your first response to an RFP (Request for Proposals), you’re probably feeling both excited and apprehensive. 从未写过提案? Don't panic—writing a 政府ernment RFP response doesn't have to be a daunting process, 在你写完第一份提案之后, 其他的就容易多了. 点击 在这里 注册此免费活动. The workshop will be conducted by the Emineo Media, Florida SBDC at FIU in association with Pino Global Entrepreneurship Center.


2020年7月16日星期四下午6:00.M. – 7:30 P.M., Basic QuickBooks for Small Businesses – Online Version

QuickBooks is one of the most robust accounting tools for small businesses. It provides a simple way to perform daily accounting tasks for accurate and timely financial information of your business. This introduction to QuickBooks Online is designed to teach you the basics of QuickBooks Online so you can use it to keep your business financial records up-to-date and make informed and educated financial decisions. 入场费15美元. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Miami-Dade SCORE Chapter.


2020年7月16日星期四下午6:00.M. – 8:00 P.M., Abrindo a sua empresa nos EUA como estrangeiro

onheça idéias e alternativas de como investir nos EUA sendo estrangeiro, alsamim de algumas considerações sobre visos. Dicas sobre como estruturar sua busca e escolher o que é melhor para você. Aspectos relevantes de como decidir entre comprar, construir ou obter uma empresa/franquia. E depois? Como crescer e desenvolver seus negócios no primeiro ano. Costo:免费. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Broward SCORE Chapter.


2020年7月18日星期六上午10:00.M. – 12:00 P.M., Review Your Options - Maybe Start Your Own Business?

During times like this people often contemplate getting better control of their lives by starting their own business. You can achieve financial independence by owing your own business. Spend some time with us to look under the covers at what running your own business entails. 免费参加. 点击 在这里 注册. The workshop will be conducted by the Broward SCORE Chapter.



SBA COVID-19网络研讨会(4月13日) & 4月14日)

SBA COVID-19网络研讨会(4月13日) & 4月14日)

The SBA South Florida District Office will host a series of Small Business Recovery webinars to prov...

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Currently Closed - Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program

Currently Closed - Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program

Statement by Secretary Mnuchin and Administrator Carranza on the Paycheck Protection Program and Eco...

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即将举行的网络研讨会- 2019年12月

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现成窗口(或现成窗口销售) & 配送大道12537号已停止服务. 普莱西德湖,c...

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New Vacancies On the Industrial Development Authority 董事会

New Vacancies On the Industrial Development Authority 董事会

The Industrial Development Authority currently has five upcoming term expirations in September 2021....

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SBA and Treasury Announce New EZ and Revised Full Forgiveness Applications for the Paycheck Protection Program

SBA and Treasury Announce New EZ and Revised Full Forgiveness Applications for the Paycheck Protection Program

华盛顿——今天,美国总统巴拉克.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Department of th...

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